The freedom of living by yourself, the freedom from feeling monitored or judged by the people around you. Living alone in a city doing your favorite job where there is solace and a over-whelming contentedness of living solo is what i have always dreamt of. 
One fine Friday, you are walking down the street with the cool morning breeze whistling around the city to grab a coffee and something to eat in your favorite cafe before catching the bus for the office. It is where you get a calming and peaceful retreat from the hordes, by enjoying the classic British tradition of morning tea. You are just appreciating the interesting street ladened with vintage shops, cafes, patisseries, famous fashion labels, artists, musicians, the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love, with your classic tea and delightful croissants with chocolate and hazelnut filling.
You feel complete, independent and a feeling of joy and happiness run through your body. You thinking about how far you have come in your life and how still have to go to make yourself proud, to make yourself proud, and to make your parents proud.

You are happy. You are filled with love. You spread love.
